A Tribute

First Steps



So this is my first blog post. I guess we all have to start some where! I feel like a new born colt, giraffe, or a toddler for that matter , who is trying to walk for the first time- all wobbly-legged and unsteady. The good news is that they usually gain steady footing pretty quickly in order to  obtain sustenance, keep up with the herd , or avoid predators!

Well I’m not trying to keep up with the herd or fend off predators as much as I am just trying to get going! Sometimes just starting is the hardest thing !  So pardon the bad grammar and writers’ faux pas!  I am just trying to get this train out of the station!

This blog is dedicated to my ancestors and family-known, unknown, yet to be born or discovered. Those that were enslaved and free. Those that sojourned and endured. Stay tuned for more!






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